

Overcoming Barriers to Studying the Bible

There are many reasons why someone might avoid studying the Bible, but for those who call themselves believers, there should be no barriers between us and the words of God. Let’s take a look at a few reasons believers might avoid studying the Bible for themselves.

I am not smart enough.

Many believers feel they are too inadequate to study the Bible, so they never attempt doing so. Some fall into the belief that the Bible only for the scholarly. Some believe it is only for those who have spent massive amount of time and money in learning the secret art of interpretation. Whatever the reason, sometimes believers allow themselves to fall into the trap of comparing themselves to those who have come to know the Bible in impressive ways and let that create in us the lie that we are not capable of beginning the journey of studying the Word for ourselves. 

If you are going to grow in your faith, you must reject this lie wholeheartedly. Bible study is not merely about facts, interpretations or ideas. It’s about getting to know God, loving Jesus, and obeying the commandments of the Lord, and not about what your IQ is or how much formal training you’ve had.

It is intimidating.

Have you ever thought to yourself that you needed to read the Bible, but you didn’t because it psyched you out for some reason? I have. Maybe you are intimidated by the nature of the Bible being God Himself’s words. Maybe it’s intimidating because you know God will teach you something that will be condemning or challenging to you in some way. Maybe it is intimidating for no other reason than it is a daunting task to take on studying the Bible for the first time (or for the first time in a long time).

If you are going to grow in your faith, you must reject this feeling completely. Yes, we need to understand the large task of studying the Bible that is in front of us. Yes, we need to realize that what we are studying is the Creator of the Universe’s words to mankind. Yes, we need to anticipate being challenged and even condemned by what we read. None of these realities and understandings, as big and heavy as they are, are meant to keep you from studying the Bible. In fact, they are meant to motivate you to study it! Don’t be intimidated by studying the Bible, but rather relish in the opportunity to take on such a task as getting to know God Himself!

I do not have the time.

This is quite possibly the least noble and most superficial of the reasons that we can have for not studying the Bible. I don’t say this to make you feel bad or stupid, but to highlight how silly this reasoning is. Imagine God sitting on His throne as you are brought before Him to account for how you have lived your life. When He asks if you have lived according to His commandments, you respond by saying you didn’t because you didn’t have time to read them for yourself - sad! As silly and shallow I believe this reasoning is, it is probably the one I am tempted by and struggle with the most. In fact, it is probably the one I hear people cite as their reason for not studying the Bible more frequently than any other.

More than ever before, people are living lives where their time is at a premium. Our time is eaten up by commutes, texts, work, friends, Netflix, family, etc. We just don’t have as much down time as we would like and what time we do have is “me” time. I would like to suggest that using your “me” time to study the Bible is the best form of “me” time that you can have. There is nothing that is more refreshing, encouraging, relaxing, and useful than spending time listening to and understanding the words of God.

Now what?

If you are allowing any of these reasons or others keep you from studying the Bible, make a decision today to begin to change that pattern in your life. Here are a few quick, simple steps to becoming the Bible student that you need to be in order to prepare yourself for eternal life:

Pray. Ask God to help you understand His words and to guide you in its teaching. Pray that God will use your study to help you know how to please Him.

Start small and start now. Pick a realistic goal that you can reach within a week and begin today. Do not pick a goal that will take a months or years to reach until you have formed better habits. Do no wait to start until the start of the next week or month because that is just an opportunity to procrastinate.

Contact a friend. Reach out to someone who would be willing to meet up with you once or twice a week to study with you and/or talk about what you are studying.