

Song of Ascents Medly

I lift my eyes to the hills,

From whence does my help come?

Out of the depths I have cried to you, O LORD

In my distress, I cried to you

Hear my voice!

Let your ears be attentive

To the voice of my supplications.

You are my help, O Lord

You who made the heavens and the Earth.

Unto you, I lift up my eyes

O you who dwell in the heavens.


Have mercy on us, O Lord, Have mercy on us!

For if you, O Lord, should mark iniquities,

O Lord, who could stand before you?

For you are righteous.

And there is forgiveness in you.

O Israel, hope in the LORD.

Let us go into his tabernacle.

Let us worship at his footstep.

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary

And praise the Lord.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits

And in his word, I have hope.

For with the LORD, there is mercy.

And with him, abundant Redemption.

He shall redeem Israel

from all his iniquities.



When the Lord brought back those held captive by Sin,

We were like those who dream.

Our mouth was filled with praise,

and our tongues with singing.

Then it was said among the nations,

“The LORD has done great things for them.”

Indeed! The LORD has done great things for us

And we are exceedingly joyful.

“If it had not been the LORD who was on our side,”

Let us now say,

“If it had not been for the Lord who was on our side,

Sin would have swallowed us alive.

The waters would have overwhelmed us.

The streams would have gone over our soul,

Then the floods would have washed us away.”

“Many times sin has afflicted us,”

Let us now say,

“Many times sin has afflicted us,

Yet sin has not prevailed over us.”

The Lord shall preserve us form all evil;

He shall preserve our soul.

The Lord shall preserve our going out and our coming in

From this time forth and even forevermore.


Blessed be the LORD,

Who has not given us as prey to the Deceiver.

Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers.

The snare is broken, and we have escaped.

Our help is in the name of the LORD,

Who made heaven and earth.

He will not allow our foot to be moved

He who protects us will not slumber.

He who watches over us shall neither sleep nor slumber.

For the LORD is our keeper.

Blessed is all who fear in the Lord,

Those who walks in his ways.

For they who trust in the Lord

Are like Mount Zion,

Which cannot be moved, but abides forever.

As the mountains surround Jerusalem,

So the LORD surrounds His people

From this time forth and forever.

Let those who trust in the LORD say in earnest,

“I have calmed and quieted my soul

Like a weaned child with his mother,

So is my soul within me.

My heart is not haughty,

Nor my eyes lofty.

I do not concern myself with great matters

Nor with things too profound for me.”



The Lord has chosen his holy people,

He has desired us for his dwelling place.

For he says,

“This is my resting place forever.

Here I will dwell, for I have desired it.

I will abundantly bless her provision.

I will satisfy her poor with bread.

I will also clothe her priests with salvation,

And her saints shall shout aloud for joy.

There I will make the horn of David grow;

I will prepare a lamp for my anointed.

His enemies will clothe with shame,

But upon himself His crown shall flourish.


Behold, bless the Lord.

All you servants of the LORD,

Who, by night, stand in his house!

Lift up your hands in the sanctuary

And bless the Lord.

The Lord who made heaven and Earth

Bless you from Zion.